The Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin is a trusted resource to help you fulfill your clients’ philanthropic goals.
Philanthropic planning is part of many clients’ overall planning process. As a professional advisor, you can help your clients leave a legacy of generosity while maximizing tax benefits. We offer a variety of giving options, including the ability to set up a charitable fund in your client’s name or leave a planned gift that will support their community for generations.
Trusted Partner
The Community Foundation provides advisors and donors information and expertise related to charitable giving options. You maintain your client relationships while the Community Foundation provides options to support the causes they care about most. Our team will provide the resources you need to have productive conversations with your clients.
Community Experts
The Community Foundation has been committed to improving the quality of life in Central Wisconsin for more than 35 years. Our extensive knowledge of community needs and nonprofit organizations provides the unique ability to connect your clients to the people and resources enhancing Central Wisconsin.
Discover more about the tools the Community Foundation
provides advisors and their clients.